Monday, September 29, 2008

Same sequence of events

I read an interesting news article today in the GEO NEWS website. Taj Mohammad Jamali, an MNA of PPP and former CM of Balochistan, has advised Zardari to keep the presidential powers entrusted by 58-2(b).
Now this seems all too familiar. Whenever something unlikely event has to be made possible (like nominating Zardari for Presidency), someone just throws in a statement like this in the media as if to check for any backlash by the public. Since public is asleep and senseless nothing happens. Then that unlikely event is enforced by hook or by crook and then made to be accepted. Same thing happened with Zardari's presidential nomination and then he became president. Now this 58-2(b) thing. People were made to believe that Parliament will forgo with this article as a priority. But now this seems unlikely. So I won't be surprised if Mr Zardari gets to keep it.
By the way, the next unlikely event in the pipeline, in my opinion, is NATO (read-American) attacks inside Pakistani territory officially with Pakistan's (read-Zardari's) consent.
Just wait and watch.

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