Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hoping for better days ahead

There are celebrations somewhere. And elsewhere, sadness and despair. The fact that Asif Zardari has been elected as the next president is the result of a democtratic process; so we have no one else to blame but ourselves, as we are the ones who elected the parliamentarians. If a larger segment of the nation believes that people of questionable background & repute have reached a position to run the affairs of this country and make decisions that might have lasting consequences, then they should also realize that those on the top reflect what we really are.

Having said that, if we let this process continue it should, nevertheless, bring us hope. This is one exercise that we as a nation are not much experienced in. With elections at regular intervals, it would open our minds to look beyond family & biradari and to keep national interest as the top priority. May be with time, people would learn to reject those who let them down, who proved to be inept and those who failed to demonstrate tolerance and far-sightedness. It might take some time, but, hey, Rome was not built in a day. Even America needed hundreds of years of experience to be what they are today.

Let not the hope die. We shall rise soon. Inshallah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We sure are hoping for a sincere leadership for a very, very long time. This particular leadership even at the start is potentially insincere. When this tenure is over and our country remains in one piece, then may be we can hope for someone sincere to emerge as a leader. Both of these (country in one piece and emergence of sincere leadership) are going to be miracles.