Sunday, September 14, 2008

An invasion is an invasion is an invasion

Whatever one might call it, it's going to remain the same. That George W Bush had secretly ordered military activity by US troops inside Pakistani territory whenever they might feel the need to do so is now out in the open. Slowly, gradually and slyly they are doing what couldn't have been possible otherwise. They are invading Pakistan. They had also invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. But this time it is a bit unusual. Its an invasion of a different sort but invasion it is. Whether anyone agrees or tries to ignore but it is really happening. Today it is in the tribal belt. Tomorrow it might be in Peshawar and then Islamabad. Then the Stars and Stripes would fly over the Presidency! The nuclear technology fully secured and safe under the US control. That's the ultimate aim, isn't it? Reining the militancy or eliminating Al-Qaeda targets is just an eyewash.
So when would our decision-makers understand this? How can one call oneself Pakistani and do nothing about it? Why should our troops fight someone else's war? How could our leaders managed to let that happen? But our decision-makers are hardly Pakistanis! And those who have Pakistani hearts lack foresightedness and acumen worthy of a leader. Whatever is the aim of USA - whether to get Al-Qaeda or secure our nuclear arsenal - no outsider should be allowed to do adventure inside our territory. However friendly might he claim himself to be.
Yes, we might be having weapons from USA; we might be having aid (alms) from America and we might be having dictates from USA but our LIBERTY is ours; our FREEDOM is ours and our DIGNITY is ours. There is always a line not to be crossed and that line is our SOVEREIGNTY. Cross that line and there should be an immediate violent response. A response any mother would make if her children were threatened even by their father.
Perhaps our implanted, opportunistic and immoral leaders and politicians could never understand this but the the people of this country might. Would they come out by whatever means to show their opposition to our leaders' decision to stay indifferent and allow this invasion to happen? I hope and pray they do. Do they should, as this is the only thing to be done.

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